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Safety Measures

Safe Distancing


We strictly adhere to social distancing rules in Singapore. Normal classes will be limited to 5 students per class. Maximum 10 students for outdoor classes. Precautions will be taken to ensure clear physical spacing of at least 1 metre through physical means and marking of safe physical distances (at least 1m apart) using visual indicators, where possible.

Temperature Checks


Temperature screening before classes, people having fever, or flu/respiratory symptoms will be refused entry to protect other students. 


Safe Entry


SafeEntry visitor management system to record the entry of all personnel attending the class. All trainers and students should check-in and check-out of classes using SafeEntry to help MOH in establishing potential transmission chains.


Masks and Sanitiser


Face masks should be on at all times, and sanitisers will be provided in class for everyone. Physical contact between dog trainers and students will be minimised. â€‹




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